I usually drink plain old water. But one sip of HINT Water and I was hooked. Not only are the creative flavors refreshing and tasty (like Pomegranate-Tangerine, Blackberry, and Strawberry-Kiwi), but HINT Water doesn’t have any sweeteners, preservatives, or calories. It’s definitely worthy of FatFighterTV’s new Making a Healthy Difference honor. HINT CEO and founder, Kara Goldin tells FFTV why you’ll want to drink every last drop.
Concerned mother of four
“I was reading about the health issues that were out there with obesity and children. I found it very disturbing. I started to pay much more attention to not only what was going into my own body, but also into my kids’ bodies.”
If you can’t find it, create it
“I started looking at all the flavored water options out there. And they were calling themselves water but they’re really juice and filled with chemicals and filled with sweeteners. I was thinking, Gosh, do I really want to give this to my kids? It’s like 150 calories and has a load of chemicals in there. I wanted a product that had a lot fewer ingredients versus more ingredients.”
Less is more
“We create our own extracts and infuse just a tiny bit – literally, drops – into the product and then cap it. It’s a hot-seal process so we’re not using any preservatives in the product, no sweeteners, no calories, and no sodium.”
Quenching a thirst
“Consumers talk to us about energy drinks, they talk to us about juices, they talk to us about drinks that are supposed to keep them hydrated, makes them healthier, stronger, faster, this and that. And at the end of the day, they just want better tasting water.”
The “going natural” movement
“I think the lid’s off now at this point where people are saying, ‘It’s about living a healthier lifestyle. It’s about not having to think about what I’m putting into my body so much. I just want to live healthier, I want to be healthier.’”
Kids’ surprising favorites
“We found flavors like cucumber and peppermint in our line are some of the most popular ones with the kids. The kids love those flavors!”
Healthy philosophy
“Theo (Kara’s husband and HINT COO) says the three things you really need to make sure you do is drink more water, move, and just lead a healthier lifestyle – watch what you’re eating; watch how much sugar, watch how much sweeteners you’re putting into your system; watch how much fat you’re putting into your system. And by no means are we sugar Nazis. I mean, we’ll have a cupcake now and then, but be reasonable.”
Making a healthy difference
“We’re having a blast with it. This is hands down the most fun I’ve ever had, not only as entrepreneurs, but also as a mother and as parents. We feel like we’re making a difference and we’re changing the way people are looking at ingredients, looking at calories, looking at different types of foods.”
The flavored waters I’ve tried before have either been too sweet for me or had an aftertaste. HINT gives you well – just a hint of flavor – kind of like if you squeezed a lemon or lime in your water, only there are 10+ creative flavors. My top three favorites – Pomegranate-Tangerine, Hibiscus-Vanilla, and Raspberry-Lime.
You can buy HINT Water nationwide at Whole Foods/Wild Oats or order it online here.
Thanks, HINT, for Making a Healthy Difference.
Check out all of FFTV’s Making a Healthy Difference honorees here.
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